CE15 XOC 2020-08-30 18:17:10

Shit driver. I mean come on. Who gave you your licence? Humpty Dumpty?
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CE05 DTY 2020-06-18 23:49:27

come drifting with us, bring captain birds eye along too.
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CE05 DTY 2020-06-18 23:48:23

wana race that loud mouthed clio against my bikes? hint-i'll win.
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CE55 ZMU 2020-04-27 12:19:09

I saw this driver from the other carrage way.
It was nearly a head on collision.

Driver may have been drinking or smoking illegal substance as looked over the limit
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CE56 RBU 2020-04-22 21:12:04

Shit pop and bang map
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CE18 AYB 2020-04-21 20:44:00

Hanging around my back passage, revving up and being dicks.
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CE18 AYB 2020-04-12 21:57:39

These dickheads are back again. I'm not sure if it's the same wastes of space who used to sit around in a different car last year, but it makes no sense why they're parked up here, pissing about. If they're in the same household then they should be at home, if not then they shouldn't be holed up in this car together.
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CE56 RBU 2020-04-04 09:06:25

Lol, puts brake lights on the front of the car. 😂

Also, all that money pissed away on that shit heap but too tight to stick some tyres on and replace a ball joint. Got to love chav raver's logic.
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CE56 RBU 2020-04-02 10:10:10

Eurgh make me sick
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CE57 XHC 2020-01-14 16:04:38

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Worst drivers in June

  1. NA06 AAV
  2. LJ23 YCT
  3. GL20 ONN
  4. KM09 PKU
  5. SG10 BZY
  6. S671 UOA
  7. GJ24 NNH
  8. KR08 VMD
  9. VFZ 8515
  10. KS68 HFO

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