This car first appears stopped at an angle across the cycle box... offence number 1. Approaching the red light at the next junction he overtakes dangerously close whilst swearing out of his window for no apparent reason (not sure if was aimed at me, another cyclist or the world in general - not audible on video)... offence number 2. He then jumps the red light... offence number 3. Finally he does a u-turn through the junction and cuts up traffic emerging from the other direction (the horn of a scooter that had to swerve out of his way is heard at the end)... offence number 4.
Appalling behaviour. There's no way he should be allowed to continue driving. Reported to the police's RoadSafe London service.
This pubity beard little shit was swerving all over the road, listen to some crap Euro pop. Soon as I beeped him, looked like he was gonna cry and mouthing apologies for the next half a mile in my mirror. Pathetic.
This driver decided to pull out without looking/caring causing me to brake sharply.