Audi A6. Thinks he's king of the third lane. Drives like a prat. Flashes people to move over when clearly it's crowded traffic and no where else to go. Brakes at the last minute causing people behind to brake hard to avoid. How did this guy not have an accident?
Kinda funny he's debadged the car so people can't tell it's a diesel. Prob a midlife crisis for the chap.
Dangerous and aggressive driver. Weaving between lanes, bullying his way in front of my car. Bibbed horn to warn I was there next lights he pulled alongside me and threw something at my window.
Audi A6. Thinks he's king of the third lane. Drives like a prat. Flashes people to move over when clearly it's crowded traffic and no where else to go. Brakes at the last minute causing people behind to brake hard to avoid. How did this guy not have an accident?
Kinda funny he's debadged the car so people can't tell it's a diesel. Prob a midlife crisis for the chap.