7:30pm on 4/12/19
Black VAUXHALL CORSA SXI A/C 2007 Hatchback
Shrimp Roundabouts, Bare, Morecambe
This what appeared to be a female was looking down when she pulled out of Lancaster Road onto the roundabout almost going into a vehicle going round the roundabout, and when she got to the next roundabout there were no cars from Westgate or the right so she could have moved onto the roundabout but no, she stopped and waited about ten seconds with no vehicles on her side of the roundabout fidgeting with her phone then decided to make a move. She nearly caused an accident while giving more attention to her phone than the road.
This idiot parked way over the line in an asda car park today, so much so that their back end was over hanging the car in the next bay as it was only a small smart car. The owner of the smart car will not be able to move their car until this one moves. Learn to park.
This black VW was reported to police and the local authority in 2019 in relation to anti-social behaviour in Hermitage Memorial Gardens in Wapping High Street in east London.
If you are thinking of buying this car, you need to consider whether such reports make it more likely that the car registration is on police or local council databases, and whether this means that police officers are more likely to stop the car while you are driving it.
I've seen this man twice today driving around in a Merc that costs £1239.66 a month. I can't believe how boring a car of that price can look. I thought he was a taxi driver at first.
You'd think someone driving a car that costs over minimum wage per month would be a little more careful though. Firstly he was being a little bit silly on the motorway, driving too fast, not leaving enough room, you know; all the usual stuff prats in German boredom boxes do. I saw him again tailgating a bus through Chester City Centre on his own with the window down and loud dance music playing loudly to draw attention. Why else would you have the window down in the winter? The ladies (or whoever you're after) aren't interested my friend. Go home, get yourself on eBay, set aside two of the monthly payments you are putting towards that stupid Mercedes thing and buy an interesting vehicle that actually stands out for a couple of grand.
The irony of it all is his attempt to pull in a city centre with his bland Merc saloon drew far less attention than his crap driving.
This driver likes swerving into the cycle lane constantly so clearly incapable of driving or maybe doing something else behind the wheel. This is while driving a typical lease hire box of boredom Mini just like everybody else on the road to hide the fact they actually live on a council estate. It's probably a millennial.
CASH 4 CRASH DRIVER driver or certainly driving like one Braking hard for no reason no traffic directly in front of him, He literally slammed on the brakes 4 times going across ST Peters bridge in burton this evening around 18:30.
Then he come to a complete stop in the middle of the roundabout by Tescos before speeding off.
Mommys Little Crystal Meth dealer with his hoody up to look mysterious. Haha. Drives like a shit bag. Will cause an accident if he keep pulling out on people like that.
I didn't appreciate you nearly driving into the side of my car, tailgating me, and then adding insult to injury by using disgusting language. I was however impressed with the use of alliteration with the 'F' word, although you didn't manage with the 'C' word.
What an unpleasant young man you are, I'm sure your mother would be delighted!
7:30pm on 4/12/19
Black VAUXHALL CORSA SXI A/C 2007 Hatchback
Shrimp Roundabouts, Bare, Morecambe
This what appeared to be a female was looking down when she pulled out of Lancaster Road onto the roundabout almost going into a vehicle going round the roundabout, and when she got to the next roundabout there were no cars from Westgate or the right so she could have moved onto the roundabout but no, she stopped and waited about ten seconds with no vehicles on her side of the roundabout fidgeting with her phone then decided to make a move. She nearly caused an accident while giving more attention to her phone than the road.