i was doing 70 but fortunately the car detected him even before i slammed on the brakes. The benefit of having a new car with all the extra safety equipment. Had to slow hugely to avoid him or her. For the sake of going to the next junction it could of been death, serious injury for my whole family and themselves. Nevermind tens of thousands of pounds. Fucking bellend wants prosecuting.
18:45 on 11/06/19
Sainsbury’s Morecambe
Very courteous person, had to put up with a pervert pestering around his car and looking in his windscreen.
What an idiot. Saw him dangerously bully a learner on Ashley Neal's you tube, "People are getting worse"
Hope drivers nabbed by now, but car details are up to date not etc.
Yes the person called myselfboxing is indeed a wanker of the top calibre
Driving over white lines
Endangering incoming traffic
Phone in hand taking pictures
Who's the WANKER !!!!
You indeed are a wanker
Crossing white hatchings
And again using your phone at the wheel
I'm saving pictures and your reg plate as well as the gay picture of you posing
Your a cunt and deserve to be banned
Possibly the worst driver I’ve ever seen in my entire life, can’t drive for shit get off the road if you’re going to be aggressive after you’ve done something wrong
i was doing 70 but fortunately the car detected him even before i slammed on the brakes. The benefit of having a new car with all the extra safety equipment. Had to slow hugely to avoid him or her. For the sake of going to the next junction it could of been death, serious injury for my whole family and themselves. Nevermind tens of thousands of pounds. Fucking bellend wants prosecuting.