Scrawny little slap-headed smack rat.
Typical scouser, all mouth and zero to back it up.
Knowing what scousers are like it was probably someone else's fault as they're never to blame.
Always the victims.
With there being a copper there i'm surprised the scruffy bastard didn't blame him. They're good at blaming police for their own issues when they're in the wrong.
Purposely tried to run me over and when questioned was verbally disrespectful to me... Does anyone have any information on how I can make the company aware of his actions . Disgusting!!
Cut me up at the lights shouting "get out of my way I've just been stuck behind a learner and I'm going to be late to sign on" Driver then threw an empty packet of Amber Leaf and my car and sped off as the lights turned to green.
id have rammed you for brake checking a lorry...twat