An absolute idiot has no idea regarding the highway code or curtesy for other road users.
I was travelling on a two lane carriageway when I noticed a sports Mercedes approaching from a petrol station slip road I indicated to the 2nd lane as there was a slower vehicle just ahead of me and it would give the Merc chance to join the carriageway without to much inconvenience I overtook the Merc and was some three cars lengths away from the slower vehicle in front of us both when he must have put his foot to the floor and pulled across in front of me making me to brake and causing my passengers concern that an accident had narrowly been avoided.
Further on he was held up in the 2nd lane of a four lane roundabout I was in the 3rd lane and my exit was clear so pulled away ahead of the Merc when the driver must have realised he/she was in the wrong lane so once again crossed in front of me and the 4th lane at high speed crossing chevrons and causing both me and the driver in the 4th lane to take avoiding action, he is am accident waiting to happen.
Complete and utter retard. Swerves in and out of traffic, undertakes at the most stupid times. Excessive speeding in built up areas at times that it gets you NOWHERE.
Driving up everyone's arse and consistently undertaking other cars. Despite queues of traffic at 2 sets of lights and roundabout from Brighton to Worthing
leaves car badly parked, blocked another driver in their space whilst blocking another car on their driveway. not to mention parked so far away from the curb larger cars struggled to get passed.
Is a thief! Last seen fighting with M&S security while trying to rob a load of clothes from the Ellesmere Port M&S before speeding off the wrong way down the one way system.
Driving heavy goods vehicle on phone had to swerve off hard shoulder nearly caused serious accident. White truck with Aggregstes on side. Got mouthful of abuse when I tooted
An absolute idiot has no idea regarding the highway code or curtesy for other road users.
I was travelling on a two lane carriageway when I noticed a sports Mercedes approaching from a petrol station slip road I indicated to the 2nd lane as there was a slower vehicle just ahead of me and it would give the Merc chance to join the carriageway without to much inconvenience I overtook the Merc and was some three cars lengths away from the slower vehicle in front of us both when he must have put his foot to the floor and pulled across in front of me making me to brake and causing my passengers concern that an accident had narrowly been avoided.
Further on he was held up in the 2nd lane of a four lane roundabout I was in the 3rd lane and my exit was clear so pulled away ahead of the Merc when the driver must have realised he/she was in the wrong lane so once again crossed in front of me and the 4th lane at high speed crossing chevrons and causing both me and the driver in the 4th lane to take avoiding action, he is am accident waiting to happen.