The problem here is that Britain's roads are often so crowded.. many people don't want to live here because almost everywhere you go you've got grid-lock, and all the government does is want to let even more people into the country. It's a recipe for disaster and the only people who'll benefit from it are those breeding in the name of their religion, and gutless, corrupt, selfish politicians..
It's you the poster of this video that's wrong.
The large truck was in the incorrect lane - he was in the left turn lane and went straight over.
YOU were in the middle lane and should have ended up in the left hand lane after the roundabout. Instead you swerved into the right hand lane. Willing to bet you'd been willy waving prior to this too. Prick.
wagon was in left turn lane and cut up volvo
volvo was forced in to right hand lane
dash cammer followed volvo into right hand lane
focus was in correct lane right through the roundabout but acted like a twat after it.
Those lane markings are confusing. If the left and middle lanes are for straight on, then what is supposed to happen to the right lane? Surely the left lane should be for turning left, so the truck would have been in the wrong lane.
ultimate cunt machine bmw drivers are badly educated in road safety they are ultimate cunt brigade