This clown is sat next to us in slow moving traffic on a dual carriageway with a coffee and one hand and his phone in the other unbelievable lottbridge drove Eastbourne
Driver on his phone and then turns right at a no turn right junction nearly causing an accident whoever was on the phone to him was obviously giving him wrong directions the twat
Intelligent driver pulls out in front of a bus and then when the bus beeps he break checked the bus absolute fucking idiot people on the bus holding their phones up so I look forward to these going on YouTube
Driving like a twat racing with his other dick head friends in their
silly little piece of shit cars.
You are clearly all new drivers that think you know how to drive until
its too late and you kill someone.
Time to grow up, stop acting like wankers and at least get better cars
than the crap you've currently got.
Noticed a new direct debit on my account set by DVLA for a vehicle I don't own. It states the registration number on the direct debit: DN56OMT. I rang DVLA and unfortunately they said they can't disclose any information as to who set the direct debit. Rang police... Not their problem, rang national fraud, advised to call bank, called bank, they told me to call national fraud. I just cancelled direct debit and crossed my fingers hoping the kn.. Ob will not set other payments in my account.
100% sure he was drink driving near port talbot today (9.10.22)
Swerving all over the place unable to keep at the same speed, when passing the driver looked oit of it
Shame these dolts are on the roads
What a fucking idiot, drives like an absolute dick, try’s to force his way by mounting the curb with kids exiting a school.
You could see I had come all the way down the road and couldn’t pull over because of parked vehicles and yet you turned into the road and tried to push me back, not happening twat, other people at the school say you drive like this all the time!
Act professional you prick, you are transporting kids for the school.
This clown is sat next to us in slow moving traffic on a dual carriageway with a coffee and one hand and his phone in the other unbelievable lottbridge drove Eastbourne