Inconsiderate, self centered muppet, looks like a muppet too.
Get that smashed mirror fixed (not that you use it), can't think why your rear lights smashed in either (oh yeah, because you can't drive).
Driver doesn’t seem to understand how roundabouts work, nor is familiar with the understanding on how to use a dual carriage way. Displayed aggressive and downright dangerous behaviour.
Very rude and dangerous driver, didn’t know how to use a roundabout and then proceeded to try and cause a crash. After failing at this decided to follow me up a motorway for a few miles and before pulling off tried to swerve into my lane!
DANGEROUS!! Tailgated me for a while then overtook me going 70 to then slam on their brakes to a stop. Got out of his car trying to get into mine knocking on my window and pulling at my handle. I have vidieo evidence if need be...
Drives like an idiot, going 60mph in a neighbourhood zone as I'm going the speedlimit. They nearly drove into the back of me but overtook me at last minute before they joined into roundabout without caring for any other drivers in the process.
Tailgating on a42 and m1. Abusing motorists changing lanes