Absolute nutter.
Trying to filter left - she was trying to filter right, camped her front wheel by my rear. I tried to speed up to pull in front of her, she sped up to block me ... and herself, of course! There was no gap behind her to slow up for.
After two or three of those I gave up and went straight on, so she pulled out behind my, disappeared under her dash for a few seconds, came up with her phone and started filming me!
I assume I'm internet famous with her clip and rantings somewhere on social media right now ...
This couple are abusive and entrusive when they want a parking space. They think nothing of abusing Disabled drivers who can't find an appropriate disabled parking space. The woman will wait for you to return to your car to enable her to abuse the disabled driver further. Unacceptable behaviour. I dread to see their attitude behind the wheel.
Driver of DV56 ETZ silver van with 'C&M Plumbing' sign almost managed to side-swipe me off the road this afternoon (1630hrs, 2nd June 2016) on the southbound A23 exit slip for Haywards Heath (A272). After aggressively swerving from 2nd lane of the A23 across to the chevrons at speed, driver deliberately forced me to take avoiding action to prevent an accident so he could make his exit. When I eventually got alongside him at the A272 jcn with the A24 the dispstick driver was on his phone. Dangerous driving and driving without due care and attention (on his phone).
A very good driver