The girl sitting at the steering wheel while it was moving should be locked up before she kills someone, as she spends most of her time reading and writing texts, checking facebook etc.....
The woman driving this car should not be on the road, she came speeding up behind me leaning on her horn because there was a island in the middle of the road and could not pass, then cut me up to pass once past island, Then lent on her horn at the next cyclist up the road before getting stopped at traffic lights Where I knock on the window to ask what's her problem was. Be honest I was surprised to see it was a woman so I went to the front of car to get reg, to make her think twice before acting like that again, she got out the car and was screaming abuse at me as if I was in the wrong saying all yous are the same you should not be on the road, you white cunt, well there was only one there and that was her. And what did my colour have to do with anything? Racism is a two way street, that I found to be, just as annoying as, thinking she was going to knock me off my bike.
Can you imagine if this was the other way around, I speeded up behind her on the horn then cut her up then called her a black cunt, not that I ever would. People like her should not be on the road, and she needs to rethink her attitude.
Absolutely appalling driving. Getting into the wrong Lane at a roundabout and cutting me up and then having the cheek to slam the brakes on after I made my presence known. The company should be ashamed to have there name on the van!!!
Told me off for driving dangerously slowly at 30mph in a 30 zone!