This car ha been seen on canvey island parking up and watching people . Please keep eyes peeled as the driver is very shifty and when you go to approach him he drives off quickly . It's A Black Nissan Quashki
Not obviously sure what a safe distance to follow behind a lorry is, and more worryingly stalled yes thanks to forgetting how the handbrake worked but then gave it a shed load of gas to move 5 metres and nearly stacked it into the lorry in front.
No one was pressuring you so just stay calm everyone makes errors.
I also suggest you ensure to keep on your side of the road the lorry is definitely wider than you.
The idiots in this car parked in the only Disabled bay in Tesco Express on Southchurch Road, Southend.
They were in their early 20's with no visible disability and when asked if they had a Blue Badge, they said no.
They also said they didn't care that they had taken up the only disabled bay. I asked them if they would still feel the same if one of their children was disabled and they said "yeah I still don't care".
Their parents must be so proud...
I just want to stop quickly in the coop and get some bits. It won't matter not parking properly up a kerb facing the wrong way down the road, blocking a driveway, on a yellow line, partially blocking the pavement while mums and kids are trying to get passed - ignorant, arrogant and don't think the rules apply to you.
Try telling that to the bus load of school children and the line of cars both ways you are now holding up - SELFISH IGNORANT F**KTARD
Location: Coop, High Street, Great Shelford, Cambridge.
Tailgating on the A14 in wet conditions. Took exception to my slow down gesture. Braked in front of me slow me down. Dangerous driver with an agreesive mentality.
Time: 13:54 - 23/07/2015
Male driver on the phone.