Not trying to be a bitch or anything, but you seemed to get a bit close to here also. I'd say she is clearly breaking the speed limit later on. With people like that you're best to stay away from them, they are their own worst enemy.
I don't understand why people kit up these Focus's and Corsa's and such else really, there like 2k, putting a fat body-kit on it will not make it faster pal...
I've seen a few focus's with a similair bodykit on driving around! They all seem to put an RS badge on the back, as everyone else mentions. I don't think Ford even make a performance vehicle so why you cock around with these really is beyond me.
They have Bonnet Vents in!! Like WTF, no standard car has bonnet vents, and that is for a very good reason. they're RIDICULOUS!
Drove 19 centimeters per minute, got me so mad i asked him to drive faster, and he pulled out a nuke and nuked my house and my dog pet, thank god i had a blaster in my pocket so i shot a garbage truck and then he killed me
This b**** has her 2 kids in the back of the car and decided to overtake me and was speeding stupidly and when I do confronted her about it she couldn't look me in the eye silly t w a t
Not trying to be a bitch or anything, but you seemed to get a bit close to here also. I'd say she is clearly breaking the speed limit later on. With people like that you're best to stay away from them, they are their own worst enemy.