Fucking clown in a bmw
My right of way as parked cars on his side of the road
Nope this twat races towards me, I pulled tight to kerb and stopped and you disnt
Hit and run and my wing mirror in bits
You absolute moron
Reported you to the police so expect a visit dickhead
Pavement parker selfish cunt. How self absorbed do you have to be to think your convenience is more important than people being able to actually use the pavement.
You've got parents with buggies, wheelchair users, people with mobility aids-even just pedestrians are forced to step into the road, because of this inconsiderate arsehole couldn't be arsed to find a proper parking space completely thoughtless of any one else.
The pavement is for people not cars you wouldn't park Infront of someone's living room so why is it acceptable to block of access for everyone else.
If your that lazy or entitled you shouldn't be driving at all you selfish prick giving everyone a safety hazard to get passes
If I saw you in Stoke mate... I'd probably be scared