Extremely aggressive driver. Tailgaiting through a village as he didnt want to do the 20mph speed limit, as soon as i exited the village onto a narrow country road and started coming up to the new speed limit, he began revving and overtook me nearly pushing me off the road, then cut me up so i had to brake. This road is known for having cyclists on and he then went to overtake a van on a blind bend/hill. This dangerous driver shouldnt be on the road.
Failed to stop for me at zebra crossing outside Waitrose Billericay. Rude AF and careless, especially considering someone was killed in a hit and run on the same crossing a few weeks ago.
This cowardly, fat, ugly old man pushed in front of me even though there was no one behind me. Then slammed on his brakes and tried to reverse into me. Obviously he is such a tough guy but he was too scared and fat to get out of his car. Guy will likely die of a heart attack if he keeps this up. xD
EG64 YAYJust a concerned individual 2019-08-20 16:15:52
The driver of this car is a young girl who must have just barley passed her driving test! She was driving down the A127 just in front of me and straight away I noticed that she was all over the road! I felt unsafe to drive behind her because I felt that she may cause a crash due to her crappy driving so I decided to go in the next lane and overtake her. As my friend in the passenger seat looked at the woman as we were driving past we realised that the reason why she was all over the road was because on one hand she was texting on her phone and in the other she was holding a cigarette! She didn’t have her hand on the steering wheel at all! I got my friend to take the number plate and decided to put it on here (I don’t know if this will do anything) but that girl will kill herself if she continues to drive like this!!
The blue Ford Kuga with the reg plate EG15 CAE is seen clearly overtaking a lorry on a blind corner on my way to work at Unipres near Nissan whilst on Boldon Lane and into Tile Shed Lane in South Tyneside. It leaves me dumbfounded that people often name and shame younger drivers when more experienced drivers are capable of far worse - this was no teen.This was a fat, bald headed, reckless idiot.
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