... a complete an absolute fool of a motor cyclist. "Look at me - no hands!". Letting loose both arms and letting them rest by his side as he drove down the street, and occasionally waving one hand as if he was dancing to music at the local disco.
The irony of this tale is that he was driving down Harley Street, London W1 at 2pm on Saturday, 9th February, so at least help would have been available. Though kicking off this trick elsewhere may mean he won't be so luck when the inevitable happens.
Stereotypical small-dick BMW owner, driving like a vindictive moron in their de-badged 3 cylinder 118i, getting upset when a reckless overtake nearly went very wrong. Cunt.
Be very careful of this Peugeot driver. Dangerously slow and cautious, and doesn't fold out wing mirrors when driving. Often misjudges gaps and nearly causes accidents with incoming traffic. Very very poor lane discipline. Unfortunately he/she always drives when I am commuting home so I get this frequently.
If you ever see this car black Ford Focus fear for your life the driver is a total moron under taking driving with full beam on swerving and cutting up vehicles ,
... a complete an absolute fool of a motor cyclist. "Look at me - no hands!". Letting loose both arms and letting them rest by his side as he drove down the street, and occasionally waving one hand as if he was dancing to music at the local disco.
The irony of this tale is that he was driving down Harley Street, London W1 at 2pm on Saturday, 9th February, so at least help would have been available. Though kicking off this trick elsewhere may mean he won't be so luck when the inevitable happens.