It's strange how comments keep getting removed from this page! This car came racing up behind me near Abergavenny, obviously speeding. It also had mis-spaced number plates and no tax at the time, but is now taxed and mot'd.
Bruh, you can't just pull out blindly, especially on small country roads. Any closer and I'd have hit you. Also make up your mind in a timely bloody manner and learn to fucking indicate. Wanker
13th April, Flockton, Wakefield. Driver of this sliver KIA - LV16EUM, cut me up whilst out cycling. KIA ended up other side of road after cut me up on bend. Good job a lorry was not coming the other way. You are a complete idiot driver, why not just wait a few seconds? Next time you might not get away with driving like this, remember there are no winners when people get killed on roads. I could be dead and you would go to prison.
Unable to wait for the lights to turn green.
Overtakes on turn-left lanes