EX14 BHJ 2016-08-21 22:23:08

The best woman driver ever, saw her the other day passing Iceland and she did the most amazing turn with the signal I just cannot express enough
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EX63 HWU 2016-08-03 15:39:49

got smoked by an audi
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EX12 XJG 2016-06-13 23:10:33

You should have keyed the pricks car.
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EX12 XJG 2016-06-06 07:30:19

Nowt wrong with a mondeo, at least its not another bloody german pile of toss
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EX12 XJG 2016-06-05 21:51:05

Don't practice your alliteration on me .
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EX58 CNK 2016-05-27 22:10:10

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EX61 WHH 2016-04-18 23:10:00

Saw this cunt too. Hope they've found out what that woman did.
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EX16 MVP 2016-03-29 11:19:16

Ugh, its EK not EX, as is clearly visible in the video

fucking cyclists
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EX58 WZJ 2016-02-24 17:00:58

I'd say the driver was at fault, however the cyclist should have slowed down and tried not to go over the roundabout. Whether in a car or on a bike, always approach roundabouts at such as speed as to safely and easily stop. This also reduces the risk of more serious injuries associated with being hit from behind, due to the reduced speeds. And never assume people will see you or cede priority, especially when you're on a bike. I get this every single day.. being squashed in, forced off the road, verbal abuse etc. This country is shit when it comes to cycle provision.
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EX63 YEJ 2016-02-10 23:04:19

He bums slamber city
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