This Waste of Oxygen parked on the path of a Zebra crossing by the One-stop store Westhill Road, Coventry,CV6 2AD personally I would break the window release the handbrake and roll it into the road
17:00 4th November, followed this car for 5 miles junc 7 north on the M42 and he had no lights on, flashed him several times and pointed to his lights but just got ignored.
This driver followed me through Oldham
He beeped at every driver at traffic lights because he felt there take off at traffic lights was not quick enough. He weaved in and out on dual carriageway and proceeded to cut me up and drive in the middle of the dual carriageway. In my opinion this driver is wreck less. The vehicle is owned by Marks Electrical Leicester and a complaint has been lodged with the company. SHOCKINGLY BAD DRIVING!!!!!’