While waiting to pull out of a junction, I was waiting patiently. I saw a white van coming from a distance who had his left indicator to turn left. So obviously I assumed he was going to turn left. He was also quite far too. So I pulled out. Next thing I know the same white van speeds up to the back of my bumper for no reason and even still had his left indicator on. He also hurled a bus at me for no reason. If I did something wrong than I am truly sorry. However he had his left indicate on to TURN LEFT and not Go straight ahead. How was I supposed to know?
ace. Hello. I am ace Mary lea. I drive an ace flowery car. the flowers are just too ace. I have an ace colony wilily husband. I have an ace dry daughter who drinks dry beer. I have an ace bag which I bought for my ace son, George lea. I had such an ace time making him and producing him. I had an ace cesarean to get him out of me in an ace hospital in Japan. we then had an ace time bringing him home. I even received an ace massage which said hi there bass but id rather say hi there ace. thats it from me, cheerio!
Shit Merc driver, nothing else to say. If this car is ever for sale, just know its been ragged to hell 👍