Opened her rear passenger door hitting my car next to it, knew we were sat in the car at the time didn't have the decency to say sorry or even acknowledge hitting the car, and this lady works for royal mail!
Fat woman came flying down the road to tailgate me waiving for me to go faster, in a 30 zone going into a 20, she had to do an emergency stop, wheels squeeling to avoid hitting me when giving way to a pedestrian crossing.
One of those idiots who speeds up fast behind someone before squeezing into the tight spot in the next lane, where he wants to be. Impatient and dangerous.
Illegally using the access-only residential road (Priory Road) to take a short-cut through Palgrave, Suffolk. This is a constant issue for residents and with a school and church in the 'island' between the street and the main road puts children at risk, especially since they speed down that narrow road in order to cut in-front of traffic taking the legal route. This saves drivers between 10-30 seconds and so pointless (on ocassion I've ended up in-front of a driver when the roads re-merge!) Didn’t pay off for the selfish driver this time as they ended up further behind me.
Opened her rear passenger door hitting my car next to it, knew we were sat in the car at the time didn't have the decency to say sorry or even acknowledge hitting the car, and this lady works for royal mail!
Utter disgrace