FD04 EWV 2019-09-02 15:55:59

You idiotic driver, driving so near to my back end that i could see his teeth were false! Same for his large lady passenger too. Why drive so close, i had 3 kids in my car and you still persisted to tailgate me at 60mph!! You are probably from Goole as the local idiot was missing this afternoon!!!
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FD63 XZT 2019-09-04 19:00:02

Crazy erratic driving!! Paying more attention to her phone than the road. Went straight through a zebra crossing as children were about to cross!
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FD63 XFS 2019-08-26 20:22:06

Not using the phone while driving includes not taking the phone out to take a photo of the sunset while stopped at traffic lights.
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FD67 LOH 2019-08-21 13:43:49

Completely lost driver. Just pushed in, overtook queuing cars, total disregard for other road users. Dangerous driver, be aware.
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FD53 BPF 2019-08-20 16:07:05

typical MERCEDES WANKER cant even park properly
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FD10 OMR 2019-08-12 21:20:03

Absolute ASBO
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FD65 KNM 2019-07-30 14:17:10

Great Driver
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FD61 CUH 2019-07-23 17:18:39

Absolute wanker! Pulled out in-front of me. Needs to learn how to drive.
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FD14 VLL 2019-07-09 01:01:36

im not going to post the video or screenshot it, as i suspect this girl is driving her work van. HOWEVER, if you are playing with your phone and hit a cyclist or biker because you arent paying attention, is it worth it? Just put it down and listen to music or something instead.
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FD17 ORX 2019-06-24 08:31:24

Just smashed into my wing mirror (my car was parked with me sitting in it) and drove off without stopping. Thankfully no damage but definitely would have heard the noise so no excuse to not stop as the road was quiet with plenty of space to pull over.
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