Tailgating, flashing lights and sounding horn before dangerously overtaking on a single separated carriageway with cycle lane on the A38 Southbound, just outside Tewkesbury.
I was travelling just over the speed limit at 52mph, absolutely no excuse to aggressively force me into the cycle lane so this idiot could illegally overtake.
Vehicle plastered with company graphics but cannot remember the company... gardening and landscaping I believe.
Likes to tailgate really close to cars in front of him while on his phone. Also likes to overtake vehicles on blind corners, one day his luck will run out. Hopefully.
I think someone stole a car with thoes plates on it.
2 days ago 2 guys stoped a white ford and dropped the plates on it and run away.
They put other plates on it.
Pulled out without looking In Waitrose car park Peterborough and was speeding and overtaking on Bourgea Boulevard just to get to Maskew Avenue retail park.
Ginger twat