He's a fucking stupid driver he should be band. He almost crashed into my car when i went foward to look who it was he drove off fast and nearly crashed into another car.
This young lad thinks he is some sort of a race driver in his loud corsa! He nearly drove into me doing what must have been around double the speed limit! If i ever see him again i am going to record him on my dash cam! What a joke! Learn how to drive you moron.
Vauxhall Insignia
Turned on his engine early in the morning and all of a sudden started revving his car for no particular reason. I think he is personally showing off with " how cool" his car is.He has also passed many traffic lights and has nearly crashed head on towards my Volkswagen Golf GTI. Penultimately, he has also been going over the speed limits on the motorway and this is a huge threat towards oncoming cars coming out of junctions.
Needs to be taken off the road as soon as possible as it is distrupting the neighbourhood and also he's extremely dangerous at driving. He can cause extreme harm on the roads especially towards pedestrians.
This idiot thinks it's clever to drive bumper to bumper with a hazardous waste lorry then when he gets told he starts then slaps his child I'm McDonald's ur a wrong en
Had this driver he is best drive I ever see. Safe driver I'll prefer to this drive to be safe