Driver was doing 40 in a 20, to catch up to me, tailgating dangerously and turning full beam to blind me, in attempt to intimidate me into breaking the speed limit, so this van driver could go faster. If you employ this cretin please sack before a death is caused.
This taxi driver just tried run me off the road because traffic was in his lane. Guess he didn't expect me to follow him up the road and take his picture.
whatta nob. switching lanes without even indicating while im still accelerating causing me to slam on.
this is the exact reason you sunday drivers have a bad name bc you dont know how to drive. this is a prime example why people over 50 should be retested😂😂 cba.
Lunatic in a high-powered audi. Overtook on a busy road, on a blind corner, past multiple cars, on the wrong side of double solid white lines. Would happily testify in court to assist in prosecuting this person. This driver should be imprisoned to ensure the protection of innocent members of the public. No one should have to risk their lives when they are simply going about their lawful business, with this serial maniac is going on a rampage on our public roads. It really makes you wish that this country provided law abiding citizens the right to carry just to protect themselves. Innocent, hard-working folk pay their taxes to keep killers like this away from the rest of us.
Stupid lad on motorbike cutting up traffic and messing about