Total IDIOT. Trying to cut in whilst sat in a queue of traffic at an island. He was joining the traffic from behind but decides to try cut me up on my passenger side almost scraping my car when I'm carrying my baby on board. I have a baby on board sign, baby blind but this PRAT doesn't care. Then abuses me through his window with derogatory comments because his manoeuvre didn't work!!!! Total ARSEHOLE.
This female driver was blatantly chatting on a mobile phone and holding it up to her ear whilst driving along the A31. She was wobbling all over the road and totally unable to keep up with the traffic flow. Merging was very awkward for her whilst she risked everyone else's safety for her phone conversation.
The mobile phone was in a pink case (easy to spot).
Despite the fact it was very heavy rain, very wet road with standing water, this muppet was constantly driving too close.
If I had needed to do an emergency stop they would have landed in my back seat, never mind the boot. And the MOT expired Three days prior.
This guy was taking oncoming taking the third exit at a roundabout, yet he expects everyone else to know where he's going since he never bothered to signal and I nearly ended up puling out. I simply shook my head and he took offence to that so hit his horn gesturing me. Pathetic male driver in a white Astra van.
Unable to stop his car rolling backwards about a meter into mine at a junction.
Drives off, then when in a position to get details, or apologise blames me.
No visible damage.
The one side light should have given it away in hindsight.
Keep well clear if possible of this joker he has no regard for other people's cars he damaged my passenger door chipping the paint and small dent . Not nice on a new car
The driver of this Movano van rear ended me on the M20 in Kent. The damage so great my insurance company have written my vehicle off. This is going to leave me well out of pocket as this Bulgarian (Marius Krastev) was not insured and the police do not seem interested.
Total IDIOT. Trying to cut in whilst sat in a queue of traffic at an island. He was joining the traffic from behind but decides to try cut me up on my passenger side almost scraping my car when I'm carrying my baby on board. I have a baby on board sign, baby blind but this PRAT doesn't care. Then abuses me through his window with derogatory comments because his manoeuvre didn't work!!!! Total ARSEHOLE.