An absolute knob, arrogant little oxygen thief who drives this car- drove at speed round single track blind bend and then accused me of not pulling over to let him through.
Comes to a near stop on an B road. I honk. He proceeds to chase me down the road. Tells me I am in the wrong because he was lost, then storms off like a coward.
Pussy baldy cunt. You look like a rapist.
Came out of my local Lidl store today to discover my car wing mirror had deep scratches caused by a VW driver parked alongside me.Turns out VW driver is a fat neck ignoramus.Thought we could sort out amicably but he became highly abusive in front of my 3 children and his elderly mother. It took all my restraint not to punch him in the throat. I reported him to the cops, so hopefully they follow up.On the other hand he might have a coronary after today's excitement.