FV12 UHC 2018-09-27 15:31:14

so this driver thinks that its ok to almost take the front end off your car in order to get across a busy road. typical bmw driver. grey by the way, male by the way. also thinks he's funny.
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FV13 SNX 2018-09-23 16:47:38

Rude and approached me threatening me as I was minding my own business needs a good hiding
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FV66 VEW 2018-09-21 08:22:40

Driving a BOC lorry loaded with pressurised gas you might think that tailgating cars at the speed limit for the road wasn't a good idea. Not this driver, Southbound on A2 at 20:30 20/09/18, though.
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FV11 KHX 2018-09-07 14:15:46

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FV59 BOJ 2018-09-10 17:38:31

Just 3 words to say about the driver of this purple Fiat. Dangerous speeding tosser,.
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FV11 OHY 2018-08-23 15:06:15

Close pass / overtake on this narrow bridge due to overtaking me at the same time as a van (driving normally) was coming from the other direction. There isn't room to do that on this bridge.

No injury or damage but we had an exasperating discussion about overtaking; 'the van appeared out of nowhere...it's up a hill, I couldn't see.'

I'm writing this here as my point just never seemed to get through, we just went round in circles until I gave up: It's not the fault of the oncoming van, the road being uphill or it being narrow etc, it's your fault for trying to overtake when you can't see what's coming the other way.
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FV66 AAZ 2018-08-30 16:01:02

It's a 1L. Thinks he's Lewis Hamilton
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FV62 LHF 2018-08-30 15:58:35

Gr8 dryver
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FV66 YXF 2018-08-21 15:39:40

Absolute fucking careless ignorant cunt!

The white parking bay lines are clearly visible yet this twat parks more than a foot over the line, just a few inches from my car drivers door, making it impossible to get in.

I'm a disabled wheelchair user. This car park had no available disabled bays, so I had to park in a normal bay as far to the left as possible for accessibility, then this maverick turns up and makes it impossible for me to get in.

Utter bastard!
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FV03 WCX 2018-08-24 17:44:15

Dangerous aggressive drive. He chased me around a car park, got out of the van & ran after me, then threw something at my car. Avoid, and definitely don't employ!
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