FV68 EYP 2023-01-25 20:37:21

When you see driving this bad you expect to see some spotty teenage gimp behind the wheel not an ancient scrubber in a rush to get their pension. Grow up and drive your tragic Audi posing pouch in a manor more becoming of a gormless old codger like yourself.
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FV08 UPA 2023-01-23 00:16:52

Holds door open to stop motorbike to filter who gave this wanker a license
video -
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FV10 NRJ 2023-01-12 15:42:43

Audi parked like a twat taking up two spaces outside Curry's at Maskew Retail Park in Peterborough.
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FV12 FYU 2023-01-16 19:19:41

Very kind driver
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FV60 EBK 2023-01-02 00:32:39

Three days in a row this POS was blocking the pavement.
Looks like Spicy Bites employee/owner can't be arsed to walk to work.
I could be arsed to report him to the council but I doubt they'll be arsed to do owt.
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FV12 HCA 2022-12-19 15:44:47

The driver of this car went through a red light and smacked into my best friend’s son- whilst he was turning right at a junction in Preston . He made a run for it and has gone missing . The police went to his house 🏡 he wasn’t in ? They found empty beer cans in the car ! Now my his insurance won’t pay because we have no details for him .
He should come toward and own up . My friends son now has no car ! It was his first car and he’s very upset !
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FV64 EPP 2022-12-12 16:20:54

Extremely abusive prick. Parked in front of my mums driveway at school and asked him to move he got abusive.

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FV18 LNX 2022-11-15 14:48:38

good driver
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FV12 KVF 2022-09-15 13:33:14

Somebody please teach this year 4 drop-out that tailgating doesn't get you from A to B any faster if there are other cars in front.

There's traffic and it won't go away. It was probably caused by benchodes like yourself up ahead.
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FV05 MEU 2022-09-12 15:06:33

Thinks the road is a race track
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