I can't speak to what's going on in this unfortunate looking man's private life, but going off the aggressive, impotent nature of his driving it can't be good :(
This tool blocked both lanes in case anyone tried to get in front of them trying to access the M5, not only did they swerve without indication to block both lanes they caused a jam accessing the M5 for the poor sods who had no choice but to get into the right hand lane from the island. This tool then joined the M5 again swerving into the right hand lane WHERE YOU CAN ONLY GO 30 ANYWAY AGAIN WITHOUT DUE CARE AND ATTENTION..!!! MORON.
Flew from one lane into the lane we were in right in front of us at speed towards traffic lights nearly hitting the front of our taxi, if our driver hadn't slammed his breaks on he would have hit the front of the car we were in. My child was in the car on the side he flew towards. This person is a taxi driver and shouldn't be on the road.
Very attractive female driver!