I saw this driver on the A4143 on my way to Aylesbury and would just like to comment on the remarkable driving of this young nipper snapper. I witnessed him save a family of 5 from a burning vehicle caused by mutated testicle head aliens which everyone was to scared to approach but not this one. I would also like to point out that you will never see this man speed. NEVER.
Audi driver (again?) driving dangerously. Sounding the horn like a nutter to boot.
I accelerated back up to 30 MPH (the speed limit) after the learner driver turned right and he must have been sped to at least double my speed in the distance as he left me for dust.
Guy driving this car suffers from a serious case of little man syndrome. Undertaking drivers over the speed limit then matching drivers and staring at them.
I get why he was doing it. He was trying to give a lesson to the people idling in the middle lane but a) that's not his job and b) he broke two laws doing what he was doing.
I saw this driver on the A4143 on my way to Aylesbury and would just like to comment on the remarkable driving of this young nipper snapper. I witnessed him save a family of 5 from a burning vehicle caused by mutated testicle head aliens which everyone was to scared to approach but not this one. I would also like to point out that you will never see this man speed. NEVER.