Absolute clown of a driver overtakes queuing traffic on the wrong side of double white lines to get into a turn right lane then bullies his way to go straight over I think his parents must be brother and sister
She comes flying out of field lane every morning without looking whats coming, if this car has a bump there, you heard it here first. Stop cutting people up and wait for a gap
Passive aggressive and dangerous driver. Been driving behind them on m25 in the inside lane but we had a few cars ahead of us when they decided to go down a lane to the left. So logically we started to drive forward when she decided to come behind us and aggressively tailgate us. When I had the chance we let them go but they decided to cut back in front of us and step harshly on her breaks.
Aggressive unnecessary and super dangerous . Shouldn’t be driving if they have aggression problems.
The traffic slowed down to 50 for the A3 junction so my dad took a photo of the vehicle , we had a baby and my elderly mum in the car neither who appreciated the slam on the breaks.
Actual attempt at overnight parking, not just popped into the offy to get a pack of fags. Hopefully has a low responsibility job like cleaning toilets where they can do minimal harm.
Must be using a Legoland driving licence, no way any legitimate examiner could have passed this driver.
Tries overtaking a horse trailer so she can make her exit quicker, completely fails and then has to brake then swerve over red tarmac and chevrons to make it just in time. I catch up to her and she's doing 35 in a 50. There was a massive fucking truck in front of her going quicker. Rather than slowing *before* blind bends, she insisted on slowing to a crawl after she's done the turn, meaning the long queue of cars behind have to brake harshly because she's had a moment and decided to do 15mph. We're still in the fucking 50 zone.
Add 30 minutes to your ETA if you have the misfortune of getting stuck behind her.
If you're going to drive like an absolute cock womble maybe get some road tax and strap the kids in the back as they are jumping around
Also a turn left lane at the roundabout means turn left not go around the outside of the traffic causing fucking mayhem
Reported you online with the picture from the dash cam showing no road tax and today's date I hope you get fucking clamped
Dumbass crashed on the bread aisle