I was shopping with my mother when a disabled person pulled into a disabled bay followed by another guy in a silver corsa
The corsa driver got out of his car and started to verbally abuse the disabled driver and intimidated him as well as putting his face into the face of the disabled guy calling him a fanny because he was wearing a mask and gloves
The disabled guy had suffered anout 20/25 minutes of this verbal abuse as well as being hit in the face by a blue badge from the corsa driver and as he did this he shouted that everyone were fannys that wore masks and gloves
The corsa driver tried to get people to believe that he had done no wrong and yet here he was threatening a disabled guy as well as taking videos of him and other shoppers
The corsa driver was telling everyone his name as to also intimidate others as he kept recording this disabled guy and other shoppers
Later the disabled guy called the police but as usual they only told the corsa driver off and told him to drive off
We heard the corsa driver trying to play innocent with the police and said the disabled guy had started it and he certainly did not start it
I put the name into google and the guy that was driving the corsa had recently suffered a stabbing and yet when i watched his videos he came across as sort of being all placid and soft far from it as he was a beast
I really hope that police get some cctv footage and arrest this bully for what he had put that poor man through
Driver of this car drove off after he hit an emergency vehicle rather than giving way causing a loss of vehicle on the roads in a major crises covid 19 why was this guy even on the road??
Date and time 27-03-2020 at 15:03 on park rd Moseley Birmingham B13
Spoted this car in East Ham during Coronavirus lock down driving like an idiot then when I went pass to put my groceries in the house he was smoking a spliff. I thing the young adult parents should be notified so at least they can allow him to smoke in his own house during this isolation.
Watch out for this twat on the roads.
He speeds up in 30 mph zones, overtakes on blind bends and runs red lights.
Not sure if he was drunk or just a simple basic cunt.
Likes to steel road signs in day light in Brighton