Highways Maintenance Truck
(Intergrab and Charlton names on it)
Why do so many Highways Maintenance vehicle drivers drive like utter arseholes barging their way about and not stopping arched lights etc? They might maintain the roads but they don’t own them and should abide by The Highway Code.
I was waiting at the traffic lights by Skerton Bridge, Lancaster and the lights had just turned green when this Highways Maintenance truck jumps a red light and barges out from Parliament Street in front onto Caton Road then up Bulk Road. He didn’t even wait for a proper space to cross between oncoming traffic for Bulk Road but barged his way in front.
Power in the hands of idiots breeds danger and abuse.
Total brainless, arrogant little cunt in his likely leased Focus far too important to bother with speed limits. It's tossers like this that cause high insurance rates.
This Skoda has been parked here for days, and it’s on a popular school walk so loads of kids are having to go into the road near a junction to get round it.
Tailgating, brake checking(used the handbrake so no brake lights came on) dangerous twat of a driver!
Get a life you silly little man.
Brake checking is highly illegal, it's classed as dangerous driving which can carry up to a two year prison sentence and an unlimited fine. The consequences are (rightly) even more severe if a collision is caused resulting in a death.
Tailgating driver who also likes to stop inches from your bumper on a hill dispite having L plates on the car. Made the learner very anxious. He did this not once but 3 times during the traffic jam on a hill.
Attempted Vehicular Manlaughter