This idiotic white van overtook multiple cars on the A22 over junctions, double white lines, approaching tight bends.
Cars were travelling just above speed limit but this van wanted to be in front regardless.
Absolutely shite driver, probably thinks he’s great! Weaving in and out of traffic with inches to spare, relying on everyone’s defensive driving to avoid accidents.
N0bhead dangerous overtake in a 50 zone, doing 50. Little concern for anyone apart from his need to clock a few more points on his licence. Total Kentish driver in all senses of the term
This prick thinks he can just leave his car wherever he likes.. Parked with one wheel on the grass and the other three diagonally across two lanes (big 4x4).. these people need to be shot.. what a pillock
This driver has some bad habbits. I'm driving my flipping van and it's obvious that she has no respect for global warming. She seems to be contributing to the carbon cycle. Absolute no regards for the abiotic factors of living organisms.
This idiotic white van overtook multiple cars on the A22 over junctions, double white lines, approaching tight bends.
Cars were travelling just above speed limit but this van wanted to be in front regardless.