LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! Is it just because we are Asian that we had to put up with this. First they block us at a roundabout for several minutes where they are easily able to move. We then beeped the horn and nothing but finger gestures out of the window. Then eventually when we manage to pull out from the roundabout into the next lane she pulls out and nearly hits us. Then 2 minutes later. We meet again where she decides to race our V6 engine in her little Citroen. We get angry and race down where she decides to skid 3 lanes only to barge in front of us and slam the brakes hard with our poor brake pads at the time. And also highly dangerous with a 12year old and a 5 year old in the car. Afterwards we meet again but this time we are in front. We see them laughing with her daft teenage kids in the car. And just cause they were white, would this have happened if we were not Asian. I hate this driver and would really love to meet again for a taste of how much discrimination I felt that day.
Stopping on a pedestrian crossing is forgivable - it happens. But, at 4pm today, you stopping and, whilst the green man was still lit, you scared the hell out of my daughter when you decided you needn't wait any longer and she was crossing the road (correctly) in front of you (London Road / Hamlet Court Road junction). All reported - I look forward to the next time you pass a patrol car in the Southend area.
Can't drive at all, the person in the car is a female and the car is a black Volkswagen. She almost crashed into several cars at speeds of almost 70 mph near the rainham district.
Complete wanker turned left at a no left turn on a bend causing me to nearly hit the back of him. I was doing 20 in a 30 before you accuse me of speeding. Its a no left turn for a reason - as its on a bend. Road signs apply to EVERYONE. Its a no left turn as its so sharp you stick out when you try and make the turn!
LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! Is it just because we are Asian that we had to put up with this. First they block us at a roundabout for several minutes where they are easily able to move. We then beeped the horn and nothing but finger gestures out of the window. Then eventually when we manage to pull out from the roundabout into the next lane she pulls out and nearly hits us. Then 2 minutes later. We meet again where she decides to race our V6 engine in her little Citroen. We get angry and race down where she decides to skid 3 lanes only to barge in front of us and slam the brakes hard with our poor brake pads at the time. And also highly dangerous with a 12year old and a 5 year old in the car. Afterwards we meet again but this time we are in front. We see them laughing with her daft teenage kids in the car. And just cause they were white, would this have happened if we were not Asian. I hate this driver and would really love to meet again for a taste of how much discrimination I felt that day.