Riddle me this, how do you end up in this lane when in the far left? You know you don’t want to go to the clearly marked town centre, so why would you just cut up cars in the right lane with no indication? (There were other cars in the lane next to me, just thankfully not close enough to cause an accident). Do better.
This pratt gets in the wrong lane, despite being local, and tries to get past as many cars as possible, but there is a vehicle in front of him, so he cuts me up to get into the correct lane.
Bellend driver pulled out of the car park of The range in Eastbourne which is a left turning only as you're pulling onto a dual carriageway and decided he was going to turn right nearly causing an accident
We were behind the car you pulled out on it's no turn right because there are accidents there all the time and a motorcycle is was killed you are an absolute bellend
Needs to take their test again, cut up a lorry driver
Absolute cock womble.