This man has a Mercedes Benz and i'm reporting him because at Silver Street station in North London; it was red light and it was green for us to cross but he just went past and i'm not sure if he saw the red light or not because its a bit high and i think the people that work with traffic lights should move it down.
Maidstone one way system - I waited before the yellow hatching as my exit wasn't clear, then as I moved, this idiot sped past, hooting at me and giving me all the hand signals, while cutting me up. Pretty awkward/scary for a while as he sat in front of me staring intently at me through his rear view mirror, after making a hand signal as if to say, 'come on, you want some?' then doing nothing about it. Complete waste of space.
This man has a Mercedes Benz and i'm reporting him because at Silver Street station in North London; it was red light and it was green for us to cross but he just went past and i'm not sure if he saw the red light or not because its a bit high and i think the people that work with traffic lights should move it down.