I think the gentlemen to their right showed incredible restraint. Oh and Mr. wannabe tough guy: you think he's a fat? A push-over? He'd probably crush you like a hammer crushing a cube of sugar..not that he would go out purposely to do it mind; more so what happens when people like you ultimately learn your little lesson about life the hard way. Real men don't need to boast about certain things..they just do it, and by virtue of your actions, you're practically giving them a green light. I know, I know..we're wrong and you're right. You're the tough guy. I know. Keep telling yourself that. To me you're just the type of parasite this country doesn't need. Out.
Should be banned from driving for 2+ years if he thinks he done nothing wrong. Dangerous driving is bad enough this guy doesn't even accept his in the wrong. Pull that move on the wrong person you would be left in a puddle of blood. Should be more careful, you could easily kill someone with that attitude behind the wheel
Some of these American 'bikers' really are arrogant, entitled little brats who think they own the place. They should NOT be allowed on a bike or in a car. Their whole existence consists of them being carried in a self-infatuating bubble; from their homes, their school and college, to their workplace. Everything about them is shit. Respectful Americans they aren't. They're spoiled little bastards. You can see the problems America has when these scroats are given (not earned) positions of trust, authority and duty. They're an absolute fucking nightmare..
Video actually starts at 4:34 with a description of GL66 XTO - clearly driving erratically beforehand also, intimidating and brake-checking the Fiesta.
This inbred scumstain needs reporting to the police before he kills someone.
Please upload so that the link can be forwarded to the police.