What I'll do is race up a turn left lane at a roundabout and then drive around the outside all the traffic 360° and come back the way I came because everybody else can fuck themselves because I'm more important in my Mercedes
Driven like an absolute cockwomble traffic queuing and this clown raises upper turn right lane then bullies their way in obviously no indication typical BMW knob
Absolute fairy.
Gets upset with everyone else when really it’s him that can’t drive.
Tried to give it the billy big bollocks then sped off like a pussy.
Races over double white lines on the approach to a roundabout then enters the turn right lane only to then get to the roundabout and force their way to go straight over absolute fucking moron
This woman just can't be bothered to park, there could be a giant space that she can easily park in get she will always park on the curb. Also when she is bothered to park she parks terribly as well
What I'll do is race up a turn left lane at a roundabout and then drive around the outside all the traffic 360° and come back the way I came because everybody else can fuck themselves because I'm more important in my Mercedes