This driver almost ran me over. He then leaned out the window and called me a wanker. Then he pulled over and said he wanted to piss down my throat. And then he called me a girl for walking away, refusing to get into a fight. Totally out of the blue, without provocation. It was weird. The man clearly needs psychological help.
Fake ambulance. Driver, Andrew Vincent, pretends to be a paramedic. Was filmed as part of Police Interceptors in June 2010 being stopped by the police:
Driver with reg GY64 XFP, which is a Mitsubishi barbarian, should be banned. Driving inches from my boot up a steep hill, Wray Lane, on 10th April 2016 at 09.25, almost crashing into the back of me with my wife and 2 young children in the car. Should be banned from driving. Absolute bully, aggressive and all for no reason.
This guy must have a very small c*ck because he drives that car like an a*hole. Always on the A23 and backroads around storrington pretending it's his private race track!!
Terrible driver, speeding in and out. Flashing people to move out the way just so the can get in the front.