5 September 11:00am, Reversed over my parked Motorbike in a McDonalds carpark Twickenham Rd, .. She (The driver) then looking at what she did, then quickly drove off and left the scene. Eye witness captured video of her leaving scene and her registration.
Notified Police, they advise the the 3rd party is failing to respond to correspondance and are now beginning court proceedings.
Notified my insurance company, they contacted 3rd parties insurance, whom are not admitting liability (no doubt from her statement). 9 Months later and still out of pocket of £600 for having to pay my own excess in damages.
On the A286 heading north just before the just before the busy B2141 junction this driver overtook heading straight towards the red car who drove onto the grass to avoid a collision
Seriously an awful driver.
1) Tailgating.
2) Going 50mph in the right hand lane of the A24 around Horsham.
3) No indicator use.
4) On the phone whilst driving.
This driver almost ran me over. He then leaned out the window and called me a wanker. Then he pulled over and said he wanted to piss down my throat. And then he called me a girl for walking away, refusing to get into a fight. Totally out of the blue, without provocation. It was weird. The man clearly needs psychological help.
Fake ambulance. Driver, Andrew Vincent, pretends to be a paramedic. Was filmed as part of Police Interceptors in June 2010 being stopped by the police:
Shocking complicity from the owners of this site .