15/9/20 approx 17:15 - 17:45 along A370 in the direction of Bristol. Driving aggressively and far too near behind the car in front, causing that vehicle to pull over as they'd clearly missed their turning. Then drove in the 2+ occupancy lane of the A370 when this lane was inactive and nothing in the left hand lane, effectively blocking other motorists from passing. Upon entering Bristol, pulled over suddenly in front of yet another car that had to slam on brakes in order to leave the carriageway. We were several cars back from it and had a very good view of all the above: I was so appalled I got my notebook out and wrote down the details. You've got to be pretty bad to make that happen....
Driving my wagon up the A1 towards Newcastle and for 20 miles this weapon keeps trying to pull me over.
When I came off for Washington he followed me. When we stopped at same roundabout I asked what his problem was he said he thought I was flashing him. Watch out for this dirt bag.
Cockwomble in a Shitzuki Swift, flat out in a 30mph zone. Flat out I mean going 50mph..!!