driver seems to think he has the right to tell a cyclist to move over[ i was 40 cm from the kerb, im as far over as i can be and dont even have to be!'' learn some respect ya cretin. Caught on camera btw. Brooklyn homes- . new road in bournemouth
Just your typical BMW driver parking on double yellows.
I actually stopped and told him that there was a free car park around the corner, no further to the KFC he was walking to, and he told me he didn't care.
Awful driver on phone in VW up. Video of her online saying that the cyclist telling her off is more of a danger than her! Complete idiot! Watch from 2:17 in this compilation video
moronic woman shouted at me to use a dangerous cycle lane, when i was cycling at 30 mph. Overtook her and left her in her traffic jam. Learn the law love. from a hgv, car, motorcyclist and bicycle rider.
Speeding 40 in 20 zone in Old Windsor. No indicating for several turns. Even when he pulled in outside his house.