It seems like that road is a T road, or that it continues on to some sort of public footpath?
I don't care about vehicles parked on double yellows towards the end of a T junction, unless blocking some sort of access
I never get annoyed with service and utility vans. We know they won't be there long. For example, the postie parks outside my h home everyday, as it's all double yellows. I don't mind it, I know he'll be gone once the street is done. Infact, I've seen a parking attendant ignore the royal mail van.
This dick head deliberately tried to cause an accident on the motorway today. All caught on dashcam. Advice has been to report him to the police for dangerous driving.
Remember the BMW slogan. "If you can't smell his chuff. Then you're not close enough". Remember to close the gap between you and the car in front. This lad isn't centred on the line and he's not parked anywhere near other cars!
My husband has a BMW and he parks like this all the time. We sometimes park in disabled spaces at the Travelodge when he needs me and he also cuts people off to get to his business meeting in time. He also wears a Bluetooth headset and reflective sunglasses to stop glare. He uses his blinkers a lot and swears at people which I'm good with. I hope this lad is like my husband!
The issue with this is that sometimes other cars park like c&nts and then this car has to park like this, then the C8nt drivers drive away leaving this car looking like the C*nt when actually it wasn't his fault. So I don't always blame this kind of parking as he may have had no choice.
So for me I will give him the benefit of the doubt
Perhaps he doesn't want other selfish people bashing his car when they open their doors as so often happens in the UK's pathetically small parking bays. Ever thought of that before you criticise?
It seems like that road is a T road, or that it continues on to some sort of public footpath?
I don't care about vehicles parked on double yellows towards the end of a T junction, unless blocking some sort of access
I never get annoyed with service and utility vans. We know they won't be there long. For example, the postie parks outside my h home everyday, as it's all double yellows. I don't mind it, I know he'll be gone once the street is done. Infact, I've seen a parking attendant ignore the royal mail van.
Double yellows aren't always designed with sense