HK57 OOA 2021-05-24 13:33:40

Reg: HK5700A Driving fast in a small busy street where children play and run around. Nearly collided as I turned into the road. She stopped her car got out and came over to verbally abuse me. She opened my car door and grabbed my arm. Lucky for her I haven't called the police or reported her yet for assaulting me also to mention not wearing a mask while shouting at my face. A passer by calmed her down so off she went yelling back into her car. The calm man apologised to me and commented how ridiculously fast she was going through a packed street. Thank you to the local who was there to stop and intervene. Please, lady, slow down because you may hit a person, realise your driving is bad rather than pointing the finger at someone else and calm your temper because you may actually have a stroke.
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HK56 FUE 2021-05-30 01:37:29

- Overtakes cyclists while other cars are right in front of the cyclist
- Spits at the cyclists and verbally assaults them
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HK02 FVM 2021-05-08 21:44:31

Comes out of a side street without looking
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HK56 BYN 2021-04-15 22:55:32

4 Door Saloon

Driver irresponsibly takes bends by car parks on Alfred Street/Edward Street, Lancaster too fast and not keeping to his side of the road almost going into other vehicles coming the other way which kept to their side on the bends and the drivers of had to take evasive action to avoid collision.
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HK66 HYP 2021-04-21 07:47:30

you stupid fucking shit driver fucking crashed into me , dumb fucking sket didn’t have a license n u had a kid in the car u stupid fkin idiot go get ur fat paki husband to take the claim dumb bitch
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HK18 DXE 2021-04-03 17:01:55

Almost crashed into me on a Lakeside roundabout today. Undertook me to turn right (we was already in the right lane turning right), not looking in his mirrors and almost side swiped us. Had to emergency brake to a stop in the middle of the roundabout. The driver then proceeded to drive away and try to evade us, dangerously overtaking and using the wrong lanes on roundabouts to try to get away from us, instead of pulling over. Reported to the police and DVLA for dangerous driving.
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HK20 AAN 2021-03-28 13:02:51

If you drive a white van there is no need to give way at a roundabout! Pr1ck!
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HK17 ZVG 2021-03-17 12:43:16

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HK63 ONX 2021-03-10 13:21:52

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HK67 CZB 2021-02-28 11:24:58

Go see your video on UK dash cameras on YouTube you prick
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  3. FN66 JYU
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