Another bellend who cannot get the basics of driving right, but then you only have to look at him to see that he has a low IQ, what a shame it must be for him.
Unbelievable this bill end in a beaten up pick up truck pulled up to a red set of traffic lights we're looking over at them and the person behind them tooted as they were on their phone
Oblivious to anybody around them they drove through the red traffic light
I think they thought they were being tutored as the lights were green
Absolutely unfucking believable
This dickhead can't figure out how Mcdonalds drive thru works, he comes in from the wrong way, doesn't move forward with the rest of the cars, and then gets the arsehole with the people who came in the correct way and almost got ahead of him, he started driving his van at their car and forced them to reverse to let him in front. I wouldn't of reversed for this prick! Fuck you nob-head!
Ample free on road parking yet you park completely on footpath?