Full video is here for those interested, I was the one who experienced this fella - who's MUM was convicted for not notifying of the driver at the time (Thanks "King of the Road" for also using my video without asking for permissions!)
Caught this moron on my dashcam last night chucking waste on footpath at Wade Road, Basingstoke - shockingly only metres from waste recycling centre and bags were small enough to be put in a dustbin - has been reported
This complete plank thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to block a turning circle in a narrow terraced street completely preventing anyone else from turning around.
Drives straight through a red light in the A584 in the borough of Fylde as if there were no lights there oblivious of the possibility of traffic coming from the side at the lights.
im a bit of an idiot myself, i joked with this guy by going as near as i could for a few seconds than backed off, afterwards he overtook me, showed me the finger, let me go in front and started following me until i parked in front of a casino and he went off
what if the rider in front had swerved around a pothole? Then gone under your wheels or the lorry? what if i had suddenly had a puncture and lost control, sending me spinning to the right? your car would have killed me or the guy in front. There is a very good reason you pass cyclists slowly and with as much clearance as a car. Plowing past us like this is just maniacal and not on at all. Take care on the road, your car is a killing machin, not a toy.
Full video is here for those interested, I was the one who experienced this fella - who's MUM was convicted for not notifying of the driver at the time (Thanks "King of the Road" for also using my video without asking for permissions!)