Was on my way from town today with my child in the back. I was travelling down Shripney Road, Bognor Regis, England when a white car suddenly pulls in front of me with no indication light on and at speed. I had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting them. I then honked my horn at them and I don't think they had even realised what they had done since the driver looked in their reer view mirror and then used their hazard lights to say thankyou.
Unable to anticipate other drivers actions. Not taking any notice of indicators on other cars. Trying to block other cars behind lorries on the motorway by speeding alongside them and then slowly down.
Whitnessed him sound his horn at another car when the driver moved over to overtake a lorry at least 200 yards in front of him he then sped up fast behind them flashing his lights and making offensive gestures when there was plenty of room for the other driver.
I have just been assaulted (spat at) by one of the three men in this Argos deilvery lorry HN08 PXM who tried to overtake me and my two boys (cycling from school at 3:25pm) dangerously when there was no room to pull back into the left before the blind bend - and blamed "us" for being "in the middle of the road". I told them to Fuck Off for driving dangerously, and I got spat at, so I'm off down to the police station to file a charge of assault.
This lovely young chap. Really helped me. He changed my tyre on my car while I was stranded at the side of the road. Had it changed within 5/10 mins (and it was chucking it down!!)
Slow car need a new one