HY66 CYW 2021-01-22 07:18:51

Topuzi steel van. Can't stay in a lane,All over the road every morning ,F**king about with his mate on phones. Wa*kers
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HY65 ZGR 2021-01-14 18:06:08

um, what IF a little kid or someone comes out from one of those driveways? you'll kill them you lunatic! absolute idiot.
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HY17 UTR 2020-10-25 14:52:13

Extremely aggressive driver. Encountered at Lakeside Retail Parks. Beeped at me several times at junction in heavy traffic where there was nowhere for me to move to. Then proceeded to tailgate me onto the roundabout before blocking it himself. Impatient d*ck with no consideration for other drivers or awareness of traffic conditions.
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HY63 GXA 2020-10-25 14:17:24

Wanker of a driver. Cut across two lanes to barely make a junction in M62. Absolute moron
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HY02 EVK 2020-09-25 12:28:37

E13-E6 Lonsdale avenue
Absolute menace. Give it up!!!!
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HY19 NNE 2020-08-28 02:15:51

Cut by the Grey Skoda, on the Black Dam roundabout in Basingstoke.

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HY19 EUW 2020-08-25 13:41:43

If you are not sure where the white lines are perhaps you should get your eyes tested?
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HY65 VLY 2020-08-18 11:53:46

Spotted leaving a truck stop And followed to Portsmouth and every time it went over a bump a different body panel fell off. After only 10 mins driving the driver had to stop because it broke down
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HY08 VDL 2020-08-20 22:01:49

Like Barrack Obama but shit
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HY63 OBC 2020-08-17 11:59:12

COCK. Learn to drive!!!
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Worst drivers in May

  1. B16 TAJ
  2. VK12 OLA
  3. B3 MMA
  4. SF11 FZZ
  5. LT09 WVX
  6. V60 CDW
  7. LM60 CJY
  8. OV70 KDF
  9. GP15 GYU
  10. HF14 KPV

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